I know Leah from old, although mostly through other good friends who know her really well (she was always waaay cooler than me). As a 'local' group we had more than a few dunken nights out when we were younger, and quite probably snogged some of the same local boys... Maybe.
And of course, on my hunt for a teacher to pod (a role MANY of you ask for), and after unsuccessfully putting some call-out posts up on social, I suddenly remembered Leah - hoorah!
I also remembered that Leah's story wasn't a 'normal', linear one, so I knew it would be good to pin her down.
Very much a good-time girl when she was younger, and in lots of respects unsure what she wanted to do 'career-wise' post gap-year'ing and Uni - other than use her languages, which Leah was/is excellent at - it's almost chance that took her into teaching.
... And I say that lovingly, because she isn't a qualified teacher.
And yet Leah is a teacher... Well, she was... She's now flourished so much that she's a Head of Lower School for a very prestigious private school in Surrey.
Intrigued, you say?
Well you'll just have to go a listen to Leah's pod to find out what happened, and what this could mean for a possible career change for you. It's a good one, I promise.
Chops x
Click here to listen to the Leah's podcast:
Click here to read all about how to get started with Teaching. And how you (yes YOU!) could get started in a career like this: